
Berry “Crumble”

When it is not a day of peanut butter and chocolate cravings and desserts, and berries are in season, it is nice to have a “lighter” sweet treat for those hot, humid summer days.  This is the first of the berry or fruit “cobblers” or “crumbles” or whatever else you like to call it, desserts that we have tried this year, and it was delicious.  No extra sweetener was required (other than in the crust “dough”), the fruit was sweet enough in itself.



Raspberry Chocolate Chip Muffins

I am beginning to think that this post wasn’t meant to be today.  I have re-written the same first few sentences several times only to have the internet or my computer freeze, then try to re-load, losing my previous work.  Gotta love technology…

Here goes again:  I have made and tried probably at least 8 grain/dairy/white sugar-free muffin recipes now, and this one wins the award for the favorite in our house so far.  We took some with us on a visit with some friends in Indianapolis last weekend.  I am usually very nervous about having others try the new, different sweet treats I’ve been making.  They tend to have a different texture and certainly aren’t as sweet as traditional desserts to those who are not used to eating them, but it is something that one gets used to once you have it a few times.  I was relieved when our friends liked these muffins and were anxious to get the recipe.  So here it is, about a week late 🙂

