
Cinnamon Bun Muffins

Another favorite pastime: me getting to eat the very center (and last bite) of my husband’s Pillsbury cinnamon roll at breakfast.  The softest, gooiest, and most icing-soaked part of the roll, always put a smile on my face.  Obviously those days are gone, but I found a muffin recipe that is pretty good at taking the place of the cinnamon rolls, minus the icing (which I still miss!).  Seems like many “vanilla” or “cream cheese” icing recipes that do not contain dairy or sugar are made with coconut milk/cream, and I just can’t quite get myself to like coconut all that well yet.  Maybe one of these days my taste buds will allow it, as it has other flavors since the diet change…



Raspberry Chocolate Chip Muffins

I am beginning to think that this post wasn’t meant to be today.  I have re-written the same first few sentences several times only to have the internet or my computer freeze, then try to re-load, losing my previous work.  Gotta love technology…

Here goes again:  I have made and tried probably at least 8 grain/dairy/white sugar-free muffin recipes now, and this one wins the award for the favorite in our house so far.  We took some with us on a visit with some friends in Indianapolis last weekend.  I am usually very nervous about having others try the new, different sweet treats I’ve been making.  They tend to have a different texture and certainly aren’t as sweet as traditional desserts to those who are not used to eating them, but it is something that one gets used to once you have it a few times.  I was relieved when our friends liked these muffins and were anxious to get the recipe.  So here it is, about a week late 🙂



Pumpkin Muffins

I am not sure that I’ve had anything made from pumpkin that I didn’t like.  The big two for me are probably pumpkin pie (with a TON of Cool Whip, and preferably no crust) and pumpkin bread/pumpkin roll with that amazing cream cheese icing.  Fortunately, it hasn’t been that hard to find a lot of different recipes for various items made from pumpkin that are grain, dairy, & white sugar-free.  You  just have to pick which one(s) you want to try.  I was intrigued by a recipe called “Paleo Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies” because I am always looking for something new to have for breakfast, and to think about being able to eat a cookie for breakfast makes me think about being a young kid when this wasn’t necessarily allowed 🙂

When I started stirring together the ingredients for the cookies, I realized that the batter was looking way too runny to hold its form on a cookie sheet.  I’ve ignored this fact before and ended up with a mess and a waste of a lot of ingredients, so I thought I would just try to make muffins instead.  It turned out quite well.

